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Belfry, Hand Embellished Canvas Print

Belfry, Hand Embellished Canvas Print

This is a unique, personally hand-embellished 9x12x0.75 inch stretched canvas print of the painting Belfry.


Painting prints are printed with archival grade Epson Ultrachrome GSX inks on Artisan Archival Canvas. The superior poly/cotton blend, 2-over-1 canvas is specially engineered to create beautiful prints providing a wide color gamut, exceptional contrast with a consistent canvas texture. Then, Kyra personally adds unique and special touches with paint, making each print unique. The canvas print is then signed, and varnished.


The canvas print will be mounted over 3/4 inch thick (depth) stretcher bars. This print is ready for your frame.


*watermark not on actual product


This product comes unframed. If you would like to discus adding a frame, or have any other questions, please Contact Us.

    Excluding Sales Tax
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